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Gsheet Into Pandas

Connecting Google Sheets to Pandas

  • There are two layers of the API
  • gspread
    • This allows to connect to Google Sheets API
  • gspread-pandas
    • This allows to interact with Google Sheets through Pandas DataFrames, using gspread

Installing libraries

  • The library should be automatically installed in the Dev container

  • If not, you can install it in the notebook with bash notebook> !pip install gspread-pandas

  • Or in the Docker container with:

bash docker> sudo /bin/bash -c "(source /venv/bin/activate; pip install gspread)"

Check installation

  • To check that the library is installed
  • In a notebook

    ```bash import gspread print(gspread.version) 5.11.3

    import gspread_pandas print(gspread_pandas.version) 3.2.3 - In the dev containerbash docker> python -c "import gspread; print(gspread.version)" 5.10.0 ```


  • It's best to access Google API using a "Service Account", which is used for a bots
  • Since gspread-pandas leverages gspread, you can follow the instructions for gspread

  • There are two ways to authenticate

  • OAuth Client ID
  • Service account key (preferred)

  • More details are in

  • gspread:
  • gspread-pandas:

In short

  • Go to Google Developers Console and create a new project or select one you already have
  • E.g., name "gp-gspread", and ID "gp-gspread-426713"
  • Search for "Google Drive API" and click on Enable API
  • Search for "Google Sheets API" and click on Enable API
  • Go to Credentials
  • Create credentials -> Service account key
  • Service account details
  • Service account name: gspread
  • Service account ID: gspread
  • Email address:
  • Role: owner
  • Click on gspread
  • Keys -> Create new key -> JSON
  • A file is downloaded

more ~/Downloads/gspread-gp-94afb83adb02.json { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "gspread-gp", "private_key_id": "94afb...5258ac", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvg...FtmcXiHuZ46EMouxnQCEqrT5\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "", "client_id": "101087234904396404157", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "", "universe_domain": "" }

  • Move the key in the right place ```

    mv ~/Downloads/gspread-gp-94afb83adb02.json ~/.config/gspread_pandas/google_secret.json ```

  • Check that the key is visible In the Docker container ```

    user_501@d533075e6ade:/app$ more ~/.config/gspread_pandas/google_secret.json ```

  • Go to your spreadsheet and share it with a client_email from the step above. If you don’t do this, you’ll get a gspread.exceptions.SpreadsheetNotFound exception when trying to access this spreadsheet from your application or a script.

Testing gspread-pandas

  • The notebook with the usage example is located at amp/core/notebooks/gsheet_into_pandas_example.ipynb.

  • Don't feel stupid if you need multiple iterations to get this stuff working

  • Clicking on GUI is always a recipe for low productivity
  • Go command line and vim!