Datapull Dagmeister
DataPull DagMeister process
- The DagMeister rotates every 2 weeks
- To see who is the DagMeister now refer to DataPull_DagMeister gsheet
- Each rotation should be confirmed by a 'handshake' between the outgoing
DagMeister and the new one in the related Telegram chat
Kaizen Preprod Datapull Notifications
- Transfer the assignee of #8785 to new DagMeister
- The DagMeister is responsible for:
- Check the Telegram channel for any failures from preprod DAGs.
- Raising the issue on Github for that failure by debugging the root cause of
the failure.
- If the issue is already raised, comment the link of the failure in the issue citing same reason.
- All issues should come under single epic #8785
- Tag team leader in the issue to confirm if the issue needs to be fixed with highest priority or not.
- All the failures from region
are of highest priority and needs to be resolved ASAP.
Notification system
notifies the team about breaks via Telegram channelKaizen Preprod Datapull Notifications
- A notification contains:
- DAG start timestamp
- Link fo broken DAG
DagMeister instructions
- You receive a break notification from
- Have a look at the message
- Do it right away, this is always your highest priority task
- Notify the team
- If the break happened in
region forbid_ask
DAGs ping the channel by tagging the team leader. - Reply on the failure to notify you are already looking into this.
After the issue is raised reply back with the issue number.
- There could be multiple failure due to the same reason so just reply with same issue number.
File an Issue in GH / ZH to report the failing tests and the errors
- Paste the URL of the failing run
- Example: #9110
- Provide as much information as possible to give an understanding of the problem
- Stack trace or part of it (if it's too large)
- Paste the link of QA notebook if QA failed.
Add the issue to the DATAPULL- Fix failing DAGs Epic so that we can track it
Fixing the issue
- If the bug is obvious and can be fixed easily. Fix it with highest priority.
If fixing will require debugging time, tag the team leader to ask for priority.
- IMPORTANT: Disabling a DAG is not the first choice, it's a measure of last resort! and should oly be done after the approval from the team leader.
When your time of the DAGMeister duties is over, confirm the rotation with the next responsible person in the related Telegram chat.