Literature Review
- Year - Title
- Paper authors:
- Link to the paper (ideally on gdrive)
- Review author / date
- Score in [0, 5], where:
- 5/5: Must-read
- 4/5: Some interesting ideas we can reuse
- 3/5: Pretty much what one would have done as first experiment
- 2/5: ...
- 1/5: Horrible: same bullet-proof logic as in a politician speech
- Summary:
- At most 5-10 bullet points explaining what the paper tries to accomplish
- Describe the data used, setup, model formulation, ...
- Good references
- Praises:
- At most 5 bullet points
- Focus on what is different, interesting, and not on the obvious
- Critiques:
- At most 5 bullet points
- Explain what is not solid in the analysis, suggestions on how to improve
- Next steps:
- What next steps should we take, if any, e.g.,
- Read the bibliography
- Try experiments
To cut and paste
### Year - Title
- Paper authors:
- [Link]()
- Review author / date:
- Score:
- Summary:
- Praises:
- Critiques:
- Next steps:
News for commodity prediction
2015 - The role of news in commodity markets
- Paper authors: Borovkova
- Link
- Review author / date: GP, 2019-11-22
- Score: 4/5
- Summary:
- Dataset: prepackaged Thomson-Reuters sentiment (TRNA)
- Studies the effect of sentiment on commodities through event studies
- Forecast prices and volatility
- Praises:
- Decent statistics about the data set
- States that one needs to understand if the sentiment is attached to demand
and supply
- Not sure if TR actually does that
- Confirms our point about "momentum-related news" (i.e., news about the fact that the price is going up)
- Confirms periodicity we are aware of
- Interesting local level model to extract the hidden sentiment
- Very similar to what we thought to do (including the idea of using Kalman smoother)
- Critiques:
- Nothing really
- Next steps:
- Understand if TR considers sentiment distinguishing supply or demand
- We should do this (not sure how PR does that)
- Remove carefully momentum-related news
- Remove or count carefully repeated news (maybe use a measure of similarity between articles)
- How to deliver "event study" models to customers? Should we "unroll the model" for them providing a stream of predictions?
Social sentiment
2015, Predicting global economic activity with media analytics
- Paper authors: Peterson et al.
- Link: In
- Review author / date: GP, 2019/12/08
- Score: 2/5
- Summary:
- Predict PMI indices (which are related to the
- Praises:
- Interesting approach for going beyond polarity in sentiment considering
- Critiques:
- No seasonal component
- Usual problems with methodology OOS
- Next steps:
- Consider the TRMI "indices" (optimism, fear, joy, trust, violence)
- Consider the difference in professional news vs social news sentiment
- What does it mean if there are large statistically significant difference?
2018 - Twitter, Investor Sentiment and Capital Markets, what do we know?
- Paper authors:
- Review author: GP, 2019-08-21
- Link:
- Score: 3 / 5
- Summary:
- Good survey of the literature about social sentiment used for finance
- Most authors report predictivity of social sentiment for:
- Different metrics (returns, risk, trading volume)
- Assets (US stocks, exchange rates, commodities)
- Events (IPO, earnings)
- Next steps:
- Read all the bibliography and reproduce some of the results
- TODO: Update this to new template
Time series
On-Line Learning of Linear Dynamical Systems: Exponential Forgetting in Kalman Filters
- Paper authors: Mark Kozdoba, Jakub Marecek, Tigran Tchrakian, and Shie Mannor
- Review author: Paul, 2019-12-02
- arXiv, AAAI
- Score: 4/5
- Summary:
- Interesting insight into how to approximate a non-convex optimization problem with an approximate convex one
- Shows that for observable Linear Dynamical Systems with non-degenerate noise, the dependence of the Kalman filter on the past decays exponentially
- For this class of systems, predictions may be modeled as autoregressions. In practice, not many terms are needed for a "good" approximation.
- The algorithm is on-line
- Comparison to the Kalman filter is formalized with regret bounds
- IBM / Technion research
- The setting is one where we are learning the best fixed but unknown
autoregression coefficients (rather than one where we are interested in
truly dynamic updates)
- The learning rate decays like $1 / \sqrt{t}$, and so under some mild constraints on the time series being modeled, the autoregression coefficients converge
- The linear dynamical system setup considered is one where the state transition matrix and the observation direction are time-independent
- Praises:
- References standard big works in the time series literature, like West and Harrison (1997) and Hamilton (1994)
- Introduces a relatively simple online technique that competes well with the more complex Kalman filter
- Critiques:
- Bounds / constants aren't quantitative
- Next steps:
- Look at the code accompanying the paper:
- Implement and compare to, e.g., z-scoring (a particularly simple case of Kalman filtering)
- If we have a long history, it may be better to perform a single
autoregression over the whole history
- This suggests
- What if we keep the learning rate fixed over time?
- This would effectively allow for "drifting" dynamics
- The proofs of the results of the paper would no longer apply
- It isn't obvious how the learning rate ought to be chosen
Predictive State Smoothing (PRESS): Scalable non-parametric regression for high-dimensional data with variable selection
- Paper author: Georg M. Goerg
- Review author: Paul, 2019-12-03
- Link
- Score: 4/5
- Summary:
- A kernel smoother, but unlike traditional ones, it
- Allows non-local (with respect to the x-var space) pooling
- Is scalable (e.g., computationally efficient)
- PRESS is a generative, probabilistic model
- States are interpretable
- Compatible with deep neural networks (though experiments referenced in the paper suggest depth doesn't help, e.g., a wide net with one softmax is enough)
- Competitive with SVMs, Random Forests, and DNN
Predictive state representations are statistically and computationally > efficient for obtaining optimal forecasts of non-linear dynamical systems > (Shalizi and Crutchfield, 2001). Examples include time series forecasting > via epsilon-machines (Shalizi and Shalizi, 2004)...
- Praises:
- Combines some clever insights
- References a TensorFlow implementation and suggests that implementing in various frameworks is straightforward
- Critiques:
- No pointers to actual implementations
- Time series applications are referenced in Section 2, but many relevant (to our work) practical ts-specific points are not developed in the paper
- Next steps:
- See if someone has already implemented PRESS publicly
- If no implementation is available, scope out how much work a minimal pandas-compatible implementation would require
2019, High-Dimensional Multivariate Forecasting with Low-Rank Gaussian Copula Processes
- Paper authors: David Salinas, Michael Bohlke-Schneider, Laurent Callot, Roberto Medico, Jan Gasthaus
- Review author: Paul, 2019-12-28
- arXiv
- Score: 4/5
- Summary:
- Learns covariance structure and model together
- Handles series with time-varying, high-dimensional covariance structure
- Simultaneously handles series at different scales (in terms of the range)
- Uses a non-linear, deterministic state space model with transition dynamics parametrized using an LSTM-RNN
- Praises:
- Implemented in GluonTS ( by one of the coauthors who works on time series forecasting at AWS
- Code for the paper at
- Good choice of baselines comparisons
- Demonstrates the importance of data transformations
- Next steps:
- Use in cases where we have a large number of time series known to have meaningful correlations
2014, The topology of macro financial flow using stochastic flow diagrams
- Paper authors: Calkin, De Prado
- Link
- Review author / date: GP, 2020-01-17
- Score: 1 / 5
- Summary:
- Praises:
- PCA on futures sectors
- Interesting graphical representation
- Width of the arc represents strength of relationship (in terms of $R^2$)
- Color (green / red) and intensity represent sign and magnitude
- Lags are delays
- Geometric topology represents relationships better than tables
- Connectivity of a vertex represents importance
- Agreed that econometrics as it is, is close to a pseudo-science that more complex techniques are needed than inverting a matrix
- Critiques:
- Various inflammatory remarks and very little content
- Next steps:
- None
Computer engineering
2015, Hidden technical debt in machine learning systems
- Paper authors: Sculler et al.
- Link
- Review author / date: GP, 2020-01-07
- Score: 4/5
- Summary:
- Many interesting little observations about ML practices and engineering
- Praises:
- Validates how approach of minimizing technical debt and paying it off the
interest, e.g.,
- Treat configuration as code, as we do
- Design abstraction carefully
- Routinely clean up the code
- No distinction in quality between research and production
- Use a single language for everything
- Need for committing to the healthy engineering practices
- Critiques:
- None
- Next steps:
- None