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TODO(gp): Add an example of df with forecasts explaining the timing

Different views of System components

Different implementations of a component. A DataFlow component is described in terms of an interface and can have several implementations at different levels of detail.

Reference implementation. A reference implementation is vendor-agnostic implementation of a component (e.g., DataFrameImClient, DataFrameBroker)

Vendor implementation. A vendor implementation is a vendor-specific implementation of a component (e.g., CcxtImClient, CcxtBroker).

Mocked implementation. A mocked implementation is a simulated version of a vendor-specific component (e.g., a DataFrameCcxtBroker). A mocked component can have the same timing semantics as the real-component (e.g., an asynchronous or reactive implementation) or not.


In this section we summarize the responsibilities and the high level invariants of each component of a System.

A System is represented in terms of a Config.

  • Each piece of a Config refers to and configures a specific part of the System
  • Each component should be completely configured in terms of a Config

Component invariants

All data in components should be indexed by the knowledge time (i.e., when the data became available to that component) in terms of current time.

Each component has a way to know:

  • What is the current time (e.g., the real-time machine time or the simulated one)
  • The timestamp of the current data bar it's working on

Each component

  • Should print its state so that one can inspect how exactly it has been initialized
  • Can be serialized and deserialized from disk
  • Can be mocked for simulating
  • Should save data in a directory as it executes to make the system observable

Models are described in terms of DAGs using the DataFlow framework

Misc. Models read data from historical and real-time data sets, typically not mixing these two styles.

Raw data is typically stored in S3 bucket in the same format as it comes or in Parquet format.

DataFlow computing

Resampling VWAP (besides potential errors). This implies hardcoded formula in a mix with resampling functions.

vwap_approach_2 = (
        converted_data["close"] *
    ).mean() /
  • TODO(gp): Explain this piece of code

Template configs

  • Are incomplete configs, with some "mandatory" parameters unspecified but clearly identified with cconfig.DUMMY value
  • Have reasonable defaults for specified parameters
  • This facilitates config extension (e.g., if we add additional parameters / flexibility in the future, then we should not have to regenerate old configs)
  • Leave dummy parameters for frequently-varying fields, such as ticker
  • Should be completable and be completed before use
  • Should be associated with a Dag builder

DagBuilder. It is an object that builds a DAG and has a get_config_template() and a get_dag() method to keep the config and the Dag in sync.

The client:

  • Calls get_config_template() to receive the template config
  • Fills / modifies the config
  • Uses the final config to call get_dag(config) and get a fully built DAG

A DagBuilder can be passed to other objects instead of Dag when the template config is fully specified and thus the Dag can be constructed from it.

DagRunner. It is an object that allows to run a Dag. Different implementations of a DagRunner allow to run a Dag on data in different ways, e.g.,

  • FitPredictDagRunner: implements two methods fit / predict when we want to learn on in-sample data and predict on out-of-sample data
  • RollingFitPredictDagRunner: allows to fit and predict on some data using a rolling pattern
  • IncrementalDagRunner: allows to run one step at a time like in real-time
  • RealTimeDagRunner: allows to run using nodes that have a real-time semantic