Phases of evaluation of Dag
A Dag
computation can go through multiple phases (aka "methods").
In the following we use different terms with the same meaning:
- "fit", "learn", "train"
- "predict", "test"
Examples of phases are:
- Initialization phase
- It entails any computation that needs to be done to reach a certain initial state
- Fit
- Learn the state of the stateful nodes
- Validate
- Learn hyperparameters of a system that has design parameters that need to be learned
- E.g., number of epochs or layers in a neural network, time constant of a smoothing parameter
- Predict
- Use the learned state of each node to predict values on unseen data
- Load state
- Load previously learned state of stateful DAG nodes (e.g., weights of a model)
- Save state
- Save learned state of DAG after a fit stage
- E.g., learn model and serialize it for production
- Save results
- Save artifacts from model execution (e.g., results of a predict phase)
The simulation kernel is in charge of scheduling these phases appropriately,
depending on the type of simulation to be performed, and on the dependency
across Dag
E.g., the initialization phase can be used to load the state of a Dag
resulting from a previous fit phase, so that the Dag
can run a subsequent
predict phase
This allows performing Dag
operations in multiple ways
1. In-sample only experiment
- This involves testing the model on the same dataset that was used for training
- Of course, performance estimated only in-sample are optimistic
- The steps are:
- Feed all the data to the
in fit mode (independently on batch, chunking, or streaming mode) - Learn parameters for
in predict mode on the same data used for fitting -
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2. Train/test experiment
Aka in-sample/out-of-sample experiment
The steps are:
- Split the data in train and test sets without any overlap
- Feed the train data to the
in fit mode - Learn parameters for
- Run the
in predict mode ont he test data
participant DataSet as Dataset
participant TrainSet as Training Set
participant TestSet as Test Set
participant Model as `Dag` Model
DataSet->>TrainSet: Split into Training Data
DataSet->>TestSet: Split into Test Data
TrainSet->>Model: Feed Training Data to `Dag`
Model->>Model: Train and Learn Parameters
TestSet->>Model: Feed Test Data to `Dag`
Model->>TestSet: Run `Dag` in Predict Mode
TestSet->>TestSet: Evaluate Performance
3. Train/validate/test experiment
This is an extension of train/test experiment where the validation set is used to tune some hyper-parameters of the system
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4. Cross-Validation Experiment
This method involves using cross-validation for more robust model evaluation.
The steps are:
- Splitting the entire dataset into multiple smaller subsets.
- For each subset:
- Use the subset as the test set and the remaining data as the training set.
- Feed the training data to the
in fit mode. - Learn parameters for the
. - Run the
in predict mode on the subset used as the test set.
Aggregate the performance across all subsets to assess the overall performance of the model.
This approach provides a more comprehensive evaluation by using each part of the dataset for both training and testing, thereby reducing bias in the performance estimate.
Note that this approach is valid using blocks of contiguous data for train/test but also with data points as long as there is no future peeking
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5. Rolling Train/Test Experiment
This approach is typically used in time-series analysis, where data is sequential.
The steps are:
- Sequentially partition the dataset into a series of train and test sets, ensuring that each test set immediately follows its corresponding training set in time.
- For each partition:
- Use the earlier data as the training set and the immediately following data as the test set.
- Feed the training data to the
in fit mode. - Learn parameters for the
. - Run the
in predict mode on the test data.
This method simulates a real-world scenario where the model is trained on past data and tested on future, unseen data.
The rolling aspect ensures that the model is continually updated and tested on the most recent data, reflecting more realistic and practical use cases for time-sensitive models.
participant DataSet as Dataset
participant TrainSet as Training Set
participant TestSet as Test Set
participant Model as `Dag` Model
DataSet->>TrainSet: Split into Training Data
DataSet->>TestSet: Split into Test Data
loop For each partition
TrainSet->>Model: Train `Dag` on Training Data
Model->>Model: Learn Parameters
Model->>TestSet: Test `Dag` on Test Data
Note over TestSet: Evaluate Performance
TestSet->>DataSet: Roll forward to next partition
DataSet->>TrainSet: Update Training Data
DataSet->>TestSet: Update Test Data