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Time series


  • Each price data source (Kibot, Quandl CHRIS, Quandl SCF, ...) is idiosyncratic with respect to, e.g.,
  • What price resolution is available (e.g., 1min, 5mins, daily)
  • How prices are labeled (e.g., at the beginning or at the end of the interval)
  • How intervals are interpreted (e.g., [a, b) vs (a, b])
  • What fields are available (close-only, OHLC, L1, L2, ...)

  • We want to adopt clear and uniform internal conventions to help us reason about the data and to minimize any mistakes due to misinterpretations

Guiding principles and conventions

  1. The primary time associated with a value should be the "knowledge time"
  2. Some time series naturally have multiple times associated with them, e.g., end of collection period, publication time, our knowledge time
    • E.g., EIA data is natively labeled according to the survey week, which is not made available until the following week
  3. Adopting knowledge times by default affords protection against future-peeking
  4. Unfortunately, knowledge times for historical data may need to be estimated. We may also want to impute knowledge times in the event that real-time collection fails on our end.
  5. Knowledge times are always represented as datetimes to, e.g., avoid ambiguity stemming from a date without an hour
  6. E.g., for daily closing price data with a label such as "2019-01-04", the label should be converted to "2019-01-04 16:00:00 ET"
  7. Additional information may be required for this conversion (e.g., trading calendars for instruments, data release times for government data, etc.)
  8. All datetimes should have a timezone
    • In pandas we may not explicitly make a series tz-aware for performance reasons. In this case we encode the timezone in the column name
  9. Time series represented in pandas Series or DataFrames are indexed by their knowledge datetimes
  10. We use left-closed right-open time intervals (e.g., [a, b)) and choose the right endpoint (e.g., b) as the interval label
  11. This labeling convention respects knowledge times and behaves well under downsampling
  12. In the ideal setting (e.g., instantaneous computation and execution), information from [a, b) could be acted upon at time b
  13. Whenever we use the pandas resample function, we adopt the conventions (closed="left", label="right")

Prices and returns

  • We call the "closing" price the last price quote in an interval [a, b), and we label it with time b. In series/dataframes, we label this price series with close. An "instantaneous" price at time b we also label in this way (assuming in practice that it is equivalent to the end-of-interval price of [a, b)).
  • Given a price time series following these conventions, say prices, we calculate returns using
  • prices and prices.shift(1)
    • We typically implicitly assume a uniform time grid
    • In using a uniform grid, consecutive times may be represented as t - 1, t, t + 1, etc., where 1 is understood to be with respect to the sampling frequency
  • Time labels from prices
  • We call returns calculated in this way ret_0 by convention
  • In general, ret_0 at time t is the return realized upon exiting at time t a position held at time t - 1
    1. Note that ret_0 at time t is observable at time t
    2. We use ret_j to denote ret_0.shift(-j)
  • If, e.g., it takes one time interval to enter a position and one time interval to exit, then to realize ret_0 at time t, a decision to enter must be made by time t - 2
  • We aim to predict forward returns, e.g., ret_j for j > 0
  • In the ideal setting for "instantaneous" prices, we can come close to achieving ret_1
  • Achieving ret_2 is subject to fewer constraints (one time step to enter a position, one time step to exit)
  • If prices represent aggregated prices (e.g., twap or vwap), then in the ideal setting ret_2 is the earliest realizable return

Aligning predictors and responses

  • Typically, a prediction at time t_0 of the time t_0 response value resp_0 is not actionable. Therefore we actually want to predict forward response values (using the same timing conventions as rets; so resp_n for the forward response n steps ahead).
  • For convenience, we want to align (e.g., put in the same dataframe row) predictors with the corresponding response value that we are using the predictors to predict. E.g., if we are predicting ret_2, then we want to align row-wise the predictor and ret_2 columns.
  • We have essentially two equivalent ways of performing the alignment:
  • Shift the predictors
  • Shift the response
  • If we shift the response:
  • Predictor knowledge times are preserved
  • In real-time mode, predictor timestamps correspond to "now" rather than the future
  • Multiple forward returns can be used simultaneously (e.g., if we want to predict a forward curve / optimize how many unit steps ahead to predict)
  • If we shift (lag) the predictor:
  • The return semantics are always clear (especially so if we ever restrict returns windows to ATH, etc., violating a uniform-grid assumption)
  • Causality is respected in the sense that at any given datetime (row), everything in that row or preceding it is known (however, we know the "future" values of predictors)
  • A reasonable default would be to
  • Enforce a uniform grid on the response variables (e.g., use freq for the dataframes)
  • Shift and rename the response column to be explicit about what is being predicted and when
  • Do not change the predictor timestamps (treat them as knowledge times)