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  • Playback is a way to automatically generate a unit test for a given function by capturing the inputs applied to the function by the external world

  • The working principle is:

  • Instrument the target function f() to test with a Playback object or with a decorator @playback
  • Run the function f() using the external code to drive its inputs
    • E.g., while the function is executed as part of a more complex system, or in a notebook
  • The playback framework:
    • Captures the inputs and the output of the function f()
    • Generates Python code to apply the stimuli to f() and to check its output against the expected output
  • Modify the code automatically generated by Playback to create handcrafted unit tests

Code and tests

  • The code for Playback is located at helpers/
  • Unit tests for Playback with useful usage examples are located at helpers/test/

Using playback

Quick start

  • Given a function to test like:
def function_under_test(...) -> ...:
    res = ...
    return res
def function_under_test(...) -> ...:
    import helpers.hplayback as hplayb
    playback = hplayb.Playback("assert_equal")


    res = ...
    code =
    return res

Example 1: testing get_sum()

  • Assume that we want unit test a function get_sum()

python def get_sum(a: List[int], b: List[int]) -> Any: c = a + b return c

  • Assume that typically get_sum() gets its inputs from a complex pipeline

python def complex_data_pipeline() -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: # Incredibly complex pipeline generating: a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6] return a, b

  • The function is called with:

python a, b = complex_data_pipeline() c = get_sum(a, b)

  • We don't want to compute by hand the inputs a, b, but we can reuse complex_data_pipeline to create a realistic workload for the function under test

  • Instrument the code with Playback:

```python import helpers.playback as hplayb

def get_sum(a: List[int], b: List[int]) -> Any: playback = hplayb.Playback("assert_equal") c = a + b code = print(code) return c ```

  • Create the playback object

python playback = hplayb.Playback("assert_equal")

which specifies: - The unit test mode: "check_string" or "assert_equal" - The function name that is being tested: in our case, "get_sum" - The function parameters that were created earlier

  • Run it with:

python a, b = complex_data_pipeline() c = get_sum(a, b)

  • Run the playback passing the expected outcome as a parameter

python code =

  • The output code will contain a string with the unit test for get_sum()

```python import helpers.unit_test as hut

class TestGetSum(hut.TestCase): def test1(self) -> None: # Initialize function parameters. a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6] # Get the actual function output. act = get_sum(a, b) # Create the expected function output. exp = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # Check whether the expected value equals the actual value. self.assertEqual(act, exp) ```

Example 2: testing _render_plantuml() from

  • Copy real to a test location

  • Add playback into the code:

python ... import helpers.playback as hplayb ... def _render_plantuml( in_txt: List[str], out_file: str, extension: str, dry_run: bool ) -> List[str]: # Generate test. playback = hplayb.Playback("check_string") print(prnt.frame( ... ...

  • Run -i

  • The following output is prompted:

```python # Test created for main._render_plantuml import helpers.unit_test as hut import jsonpickle import pandas as pd

class TestRenderPlantuml(hut.TestCase): def test1(self) -> None: # Define input variables in_txt = ["", ..., "", "> GP:: Not urgent", ""] out_file = "" extension = "png" dry_run = False # Call function to test act = _render_plantuml(in_txt=in_txt, out_file=out_file, extension=extension, dry_run=dry_run) act = str(act) # Check output self.check_string(act) ```

  • in_txt value is too long to keep it in test - needed to be replaced with previously generated file. Also some cosmetic changes are needed and code is ready to paste to the existing test: python def test_render_plantuml_playback1(self) -> None: """Test real usage for""" # Define input variables file_name = "" in_file = os.path.join(self.get_input_dir(), file_name) in_txt = io_.from_file(in_file).split("\n") out_file = os.path.join(self.get_scratch_space(), file_name) extension = "png" dry_run = True # Call function to test act = rmd._render_plantuml( in_txt=in_txt, out_file=out_file, extension=extension, dry_run=dry_run ) act = "\n".join(act) # Check output self.check_string(act)