- Keep the terms in alphabetical order
- People can add terms that they are not clear and others can add definitions
- Always use "suggestion" mode for adding new terms or new definitions
- Asset
- A financial instrument with an associated price that changes over time
- Aka: symbol, name, ticker
E.g., bitcoin, ethereum, Apple stock (US equity), orange futures
FM (Financial Instrument)
Financial instruments are monetary contracts between parties
GH (GitHub)
HLD (High Level Design)
Is a general system design and includes the description of the System architecture and design
IM (Instrument Master)
A software component that associates symbolic names to assets and their prices
- Someone on the team that is in charge of merging code to the main line of development
Aka: master
An open-high-low-close chart (also OHLC) is a type of chart typically used to illustrate movements in the price of a financial instrument over time
OMS (Order Management System)
A software component in charge of placing and monitoring trading orders to market or broker
PR (Pull Request)
Request to merge code in GitHub
RP (Responsible Party)
- Someone on the team that helps following our process
Aka: tech lead
ZH (ZenHub)
- Our tool for project management