Find candidates
We get candidates in several ways
- Send emails to CS and related depts
Especially for PhD students
Use our LinkedIn pipeline to find candidates
We are going to start targeting graduates from top schools
Post job on LinkedIn
Post job on Upwork
Initial screening
- HiringMeister: upon receipt of applications for new positions, track applicants add task to Asana "Candidates"
For each task description use the template https://app.asana.com/0/1204526145297526/1207748235019119/f
HiringMeister: send email to gather additional information from candidates
- Ask candidates to fill out the questionnaire form here
- Results are here
Hiring committee
- Every 2 weeks the screening committee conducts a meeting to review the applicants
- Everyone on the committee collects all the information needed to make a decision
TODO(gp): This needs to be formalized better
We want to increase the quality of the collaborators, so if there is a red flag (e.g., no GitHub, low GPA, undergrad) we can decide to not on-board
The goal is to avoid on-boarding people that will likely disappoint us
If we receive a single candidate application and find no red flags in the profile, we should proceed further in the process
It's ok to ask more team members to take a look
If the candidate is a no-go, GP sends an email of rejection
- Hiring Meisters (e.g., Sonaal and Samarth) supervise the hiring process
Coding mentors are:
- Hiring Meisters
- Anybody who is not in some critical path (e.g., Dan, Danya, Toma)
Onboarding pipeline
- Once a candidate is accepted we assign a mentor on Asana
- The mentor is in charge to intervene when the candidate is blocked
We track the mentor in Asana
We use Asana tasks to communicate about the candidates
There are multiple pipeline stages on Asana that candidates go through
- Candidates
- Anybody who wants to join our project/company
- On-boarding on KaizenAI
- Goal: set up candidates to work on their laptop on KaizenAI
- Duration: few days
- The checklist for onboarding on KaizenAI is here
- Once the checklist is complete, candidates move to the next step
- Working on KaizenAI
- Goal: understand who can/should join the team
- Duration: 1 month
- Type of tasks: unit tests
- Each candidate should work on 2-3 issues to make sure we can judge how good is a candidate
- We score candidates every 2 weeks for a few iterations until we can make a decision
- Candidates who are good enough can be onboarded on cmamp, otherwise are dropped
- On-boarding on cmamp
- Goal: set up candidates to develop on cmamp (only on the server)
- Duration: few days
- The checklist for onboarding on cmamp is here
- On-boarding GH issue on cmamp
- Working on cmamp
- Goal: learn our development process
- Duration: 1 month
- Type of tasks: unit tests (stuff that doesn’t require design)
- After that we can assign the best hires to teams
- Full-time or interns on probation
- Goal: contribute to KaizenAI or cmamp
- Duration: 3 months
- Type of tasks: unit test, refactoring, simple non-design tasks
- Assign them to teams
- Give them more complex task
- Full-time team members
- Normal workflow
- Team leaders
- Type of tasks: in charge of architecture, big picture, real-time systems
- For the ones that are able to master the process
Onboarding GH Issues
We want to have a pipeline of GH Issues to assign people as soon as they are ready
Feedback for interns
The scoring process is described here