Common abbreviations
- -> room, -> = "let’s go to the conference room" (typically the one pinned in
the chat)
- AFAIK = as far as I know
- AFK, AFTK = away from (the) keyboard
- BM = Build-meister
- BRB = be right back
- CWR = call when ready
- GH = GitHub
- IMO = in my opinion
- KG = knowledge graph
- KG-OG = KG Original Gangsta
- KG-fication = The process of turning something in a KG
- KOTH = King Of The Hill (the best model so far)
- OOO, OOTO = Out Of The Office
- PR = Pull Request (we prefer this to MR = merge request)
- PTAL = please take a look
- SO = stack overflow
- Skateboard = getting something working end-to-end even with hacks (as long as
- TBH = to be honest
- TG = Telegram
- TTYL = talk to you later
- WFH = working from home
- WIP = work in progress
- Windows = the worst OS ever made
- ZH = ZenHub
- Np = no problem
- Sg = sounds good
- Vim = the best editor ever made