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Send notifications via Telegram.

Configuring the Bot

Getting token and chat id

  • Start messaging with either (or with a custom bot by sending it /start message)

  • Run: ```bash

    python helpers/telegram_notify/ --username ```

  • Specify --token <your bot token> if you are using a custom bot

  • This will display a message in your terminal with your chat id and also send a message with it through the bot bash User `saggese` is not in the Your chat id is: 967103049

Modifying config for your token and chat id

  • Go to and insert the following code python elif user == <your local user name>: TELEGRAM_TOKEN = <bot token> TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID = <chat id>
  • You should push the modified file to the repo

How to use

  • There are 3 ways of getting notification from the bot:
  • Using command line
  • Through TelegramNotify class (e.g., from Python code or a Jupyter notebook)
  • Using logging

  • In any case the bot will send you something like this: <program name>: <your_message>

Command line

  • You can use a command line wrapper to signal the end of a command line:
> cmd_to_check; -m "error=$?"
> ls; -m "error=$?"
> ls /I_do_not_exist; -m "error=$?"


import helpers.telegram_notify.telegram_notify as tg

tgn = tg.TelegramNotify()
tgn.notify('test message')


import logging
import helpers.telegram_notify.telegram_notify as tg

_TG_LOG = logging.getLogger('telegram_notify')
tg.init_tglogger()'test message')